5 Best Oily Skincare for Daily Routine | LuxeBag

Best Skincare For Oily Skin


Best Skincare for Oily Skin
Best Skincare for Oily Skin

Oily skin is a common skin concern that can give you that glow without the “up.” But the right skin care routine can help keep the grease at bay and prevent zits and blackheads. And for dry skin, nature’s goodness is key—moisture matters beyond just winter!”Plus, here’s the exciting part: there are fantastic skincare products designed to be your skin’s BFF from morning to night And for that extra boost, check out these 7 simple tips to sprinkle some natural skincare magic into your daily routine.

What Causes Oily Skin?

Most oily skin cases we have seen relate to just one aspect- that a skin’s texture is usually fixed and may not be changed. But they also help us appreciate the presence of some other factors that can make the skin oilier. Some of these factors are:

  • Genetics – Overactive sebaceous glands tend to run in families and can be an inherited trait. It relates the DNA and may be transferred from a mother to her child during pregnancy.
  • Hormonal imbalances – Thyroid issues, menstruation, and menopause can cause these, and even high-stress levels affect the skin, triggering excessive sebum production.
  • Using chemically-enriched beauty care products and overdoing your skincare regime. Habits like over-cleansing worsen the problem.
  • Not using a good moisturizer may cause your skin cells to dry up. This could make the skin produce more oil, thus making it greasy.

Key Ingredients for Oily Skin

This gentle skincare routine for oily skin features lightweight, fragrance-free products that are developed with dermatologists. Our products for oily skin are formulated with beneficial ingredients that, when used consistently, can help promote a fresh, healthy-looking complexion. Here are some of the key ingredients to look out for when creating your oily skin routine.

  • Hyaluronic acid helps retain the skin’s natural moisture.
  • Niacinamide helps calm the skin.
  • Ceramides are key components of your skin’s natural moisture barrier.
  • Retinol helps refine and resurface skin while improving the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, rough texture, and radiance.

Basic skin care for Oily Skin

In addition to home remedies, basic skin care routines may improve oily skin:

  • washing with warm water, using a gentle soap.
  • avoiding soaps with added fragrances, moisturizers, or harsh chemicals.
  • stopping the use of rough washcloths or loofahs, to minimize friction that can stimulate skin and lead to more oil.

Creating a Skincare Routine for Oily Skin

 1. Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is hailed as one of the best natural remedies for oily skin. It is rich in citric acid, a compound that helps in the absorption of excess oil and also prevents acne breakouts, which are common in people with oily skin. Moreover, the antioxidants in lemons help in clearing toxins and dirt from the skin, thus preventing pimples and acne.

How to Use:

  • Apply a mixture of 1 teaspoon lemon juice and ½ teaspoon distilled water to your skin with a cotton ball.
  • Leave on for 10 minutes.
  • Rinse with warm water.

2. Aloe Vera

The best home remedy to get rid of oily skin naturally is aloe vera. The astringent property of the gel removes excess oil from the skin and also reduces the size of the inflamed nodules, preventing acne breakouts. If applied regularly, aloe vera unclogs the pores and tightens the pores, thereby preventing excess oil production and also eliminate acne due to the buildup of dirt.

How to Use:

  •  You can directly apply aloe vera gel to your face twice or thrice a day to fight oily skin.
  • Allow it to remain for 20-30 minutes and wash it off with cold water.
  • You can also add oatmeal to aloe vera, which makes it an excellent exfoliating pack.

3. Cucumber

Cucumber is one such natural remedy that works wonders for all skin types. For people with oily skin, this natural ingredient acts as an astringent agent which tightens the open pores. The vitamins and minerals in cucumber also make it a powerful cleansing agent, providing you soft and supple skin.

How to Use:

  • Before bed, cut a fresh cucumber into thin slices.
  • Gently rub over your face.
  • Leave overnight.
  • Rinse in the morning with warm water.

4. Honey

Honey is a powerhouse when it comes to all things skin; it helps reduce excess oil, clears pores, moisturizes (without making skin oily), and has natural antiseptic and antibacterial properties that may benefit acne-prone skin.

How to Use:

  • Apply a thin layer of honey over your face. (raw honey is preferred)
  • Let it sit and dry for 10-15 minutes.
  • Rinse with warm water.

5. Egg White

Egg white contains natural astringent compounds, which shrink and tighten open pores, thus helping to control the excess sebum production. It also draws out excess dirt from the skin. The proteins in egg white enhance the elasticity of the skin and give you youthful skin.

How to Use :

  • Whip one egg white until stiff
  • Spread on your skin
  • Allow to dry
  • Wash off with warm water

You can also make an egg white – lemon face mask, combining the two natural remedies.

Egg-white lemon face mask

  • Mix 1 egg white with 1 teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  • Spread on your face.
  • Allow to dry.
  • Wash off with warm water.

Morning Skin Care Routine for Oily Skin

For Oily Skin, It is advisable to start your day by removing the excess oils that may have piled up during the night. We recommend opting for the following seven-step AM skincare schedule :-

Step 1: Cleanse

Avoid harsh soaps or cleansers. Instead, start cleaning your face with a gentle chemical-free cleanser to remove impurities and excess oil. You can also use foam-based cleansers that come with an inbuilt silicone brush. They contain soft bristles that cleanse your skin without disrupting the normal pH balance of your skin.

Step 2: Exfoliate

Incorporate a mild exfoliator into your routine twice a week to remove dead skin cells and reduce excess oil production. In addition, you can use a charcoal-based face scrub to remove all traces of impurities.

Step 3: Tone

Use a non-drying toner to remove any traces of dirt or impurities left behind and restore the skin’s pH balance. (A non-drying skin toner does not contain alcohol and other drying agents).

Step 4: Serum

Apply niacinamide or salicylic acid serum to promote clearer skin or counteract breakouts. It will help provide deep moisturization to the skin cells and make them resilient to seasonal changes.

Step 5: Moisturize

Use a lightweight, oil-free moisturizer that gets easily absorbed into the skin. This will help ensure that the skin cells get adequate hydration.

Step 6: Eye Cream

Apply lightweight eye cream around the sensitive area around the eyes. Mamaearth’s eye cream comes with an in-built massager that reduces puffiness around the eyes.

Step 7: Sunscreen 

Add broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 and a matte finish to your routine when stepping out. You can use an ultra-light gel sunscreen for oily skin.

Night Skin Care Routine for Oily Skin

Oily Skin, Wrap up your day by relieving your skin of all the impurities it has to face throughout the day. We recommend opting for the following PM schedule for your skincare regimen:-

Step 1: Cleanse

Use a gentle makeup remover followed by a cleanser to remove all traces of makeup, sunscreen, dirt, and impurities.

Step 2: Tone

Follow up with a non-drying toner to absorb excess oil. Again, check that it does not contain alcohol or harmful chemicals.

Step 3: Mask it up

Use a clay-based mask two-three times a week to deep clean the pores. It absorbs excess oil and treats blemishes.

Step 4: Serum

Apply a retinol-based serum to treat acne and fight signs of aging.

Step 5: Night Cream

Hydrate the skin with a nourishing night cream to help restore the skin barrier. You can also use a sleeping mask to keep your skin hydrated throughout the night as you sleep.

Step 6: Eye Cream

Finish up by applying eye cream on the sensitive area around the eyes to combat dark circles and hydrate the skin. Such creams are available as under-eye creams.

Dos and Don’ts for Oily Skin Care

In addition to your daily skincare routine, here are a few oily skin care tips to keep in mind.

  1. Do use skincare products and makeup that are compatible with your skin type.
  2. Don’t use petroleum-based beauty care products or alcohol-based toners.
  3. Do clean your makeup brushes regularly.
  4. Don’t scrub your face vigorously.
  5. Do exercise regularly to improve blood circulation.
  6. Do use blotting paper to absorb excess oil.
  7. Don’t skip cleansing post-workout.
  8. Avoid touching your face, as it can transfer dirt and impurities.


In conclusion, managing oily skin requires a consistent and balanced skincare routine tailored to address its specific needs. Factors like genetics, hormonal imbalances, and skincare habits contribute to excess oil production. Incorporating key ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, niacinamide, ceramides, and retinol can effectively regulate oiliness. Home remedies like lemon juice, aloe vera, cucumber, honey, and egg white offer natural solutions. Establishing a daily skincare regimen, including morning and night routines with proper cleansing, toning, moisturizing, and protection from the sun, helps maintain a healthy complexion. So, you’re not just pampering your skin; you’re backed by science, making your skincare routine even cooler by  NIH!

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